If you are hosting an outdoor event, you will most likely be needing to rent equipment, from tables and chairs to speakers, a stage and of course, a tent. Outdoor event rentals are available in many forms and planning ahead to find the best equipment is a good idea. Whether it is a wedding, corporate event or backyard party, the right rental equipment may make your planning a lot easier, and help make the event a success.
Weddings are generally the biggest outdoor tented events, and wedding tents, tables and chairs are the most crucial part of the event. When choosing a tent, know that there are four basic styles: pole-supported, pipe-frame supported, Clearspan tents and Tensile tents. The basic supporting structure for all of these is aluminum or steel and the two generally available types of tops are vinyl or polyester. Depending on the type of tent, you may or may not have a choice about the type of structure or the material for the top.
When planning for wedding tables and chair arrangements, it is best to allow 10 to 12 square feet of room per guest, as long as the event doesn’t require a lot of extra furnishings. Depending on if the tent is for the ceremony or the reception, you may have just chairs set up, or chairs as well as tables, a stage and a catering area or room. Many tents can be set up to accommodate everything you would need for a wedding reception, including the area for the caterers to set up. Outdoor event rentals typically can advise you on what type of tent you should use, based on your particular event.
Wedding linen rentals may also be necessary and are usually employed to cover the tables. If using the tent for a reception and meal, it is best to plan for 12 square feet per person for round tables and 10 square feet for rectangular tables. Wedding carpet rentals are also available, and can add a nice touch to the wedding tent.
A corporate event tent or a backyard party tent are also available from a retailer of outdoor event rentals, and are a nice way to have an outdoor party regardless of the weather. The space needed should be calculated based on whether you plan to have a speaker, cathedral seating, what type of chairs and whether you plan to serve a meal. Considering the many variables, consult a rental company so you can be sure the plan the best possible event.