There are some guitars out there that’ll cost you about $100; then there are other guitars that will run upwards of $10,000; but Jimi Hendrix’s guitars? Those are worth more than most musicians will probably ever make.
Here are just a few of the ridiculously expensive pieces of sound equipment once owned by Jimi Hendrix.
The 1966 Fender Mustang From Axis: Bold as Love and Electric Ladyland.
Back in 2007, one of the pieces of sound equipment Jimi Hendrix used to record both Axis: Bold as Love and Electric Ladyland was up for auction at the Music Rising “Icons of Music” charity auction in New York. Unsurprisingly, the historic, red, 1966 Fender Mustang wound up fetching a price of $480,000.
The Charred Remains of His 1965
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