If you’ve ever taken the time to browse through all of the musical instruments for sale that online guitar shops have, chances are you noticed a few pieces of sound equipment that cost tens of thousands of dollars. However, those guitars cost nothing in comparison to what some of the most famous and influential musicians in the world have sold their guitars for!
Here are a few of the most expensive pieces of sound equipment ever sold.
The Tsunami Relief Stratocaster.
When a tsunami struck several nations along the Indian Ocean in 2004, several notable musicians joined the forefront of the relief effort. In order to help raise money, a Fender Strat was auctioned off. However, this was no ordinary Strat. It had been signed by the likes of such living legends of rock as Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Jeff Beck, Pete Townsend, Liam Gallagher, Angus Young, Malcolm Young, Tony Iommi, Sting, members of Def Leppard, and several more. This amazing piece of sound equipment sold for a staggering $2.7 million.
Jimi Hendrix’s 1968 Strat.
Jimi Hendrix, arguably the single greatest guitarist of all time, was perhaps best known for his performance at the iconic Woodstock Festival in 1969. The guitar he played there was sold to Microsoft’s Paul Allen for a cool $2 million.
Bob Marley’s Washburn.
Nesta Robert Marley, or Bob Marley as he was known to the world, helped bring reggae and ska music to mainstream audiences with such hits as “No Woman No Cry,” “I Shot the Sheriff,” and “Jamming.” He once gave a custom Washburn guitar to a sound equipment technician named Gary Carlsen. The guitar now has an estimated value of $1.2 million.
Though it’s unlikely that you’ll ever see an online music store selling a piece of sound equipment for millions of dollars, it’s still pretty mind blowing to think that there are instruments out there that cost this much. If you know of any other exorbitantly priced pieces of sound equipment that didn’t make it on this list, feel free to share your knowledge in the comments. Find out more here: www.lawkstarguitars.com
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