‘Tis the season. The season of buying gifts. The season of checking bag labels. The season of deciding it it is worth the money to purchase the name brand items, or to save a little money on the generics. From designing custom candy bags for a gift for your employees to stocking up on the holiday versions of the dog treat bags, this time before Christmas has many of us looking for bargains and for purchases that will help you give a little more of something special to those who we love the most.
From unique holiday coffee bag labels that let your secretary know that you took the time to find a gift that she would love to the dog treat packaging that you find for the clients who bring their pets to you for grooming services, there are any number of ways that today’s consumers can get caught up in the holiday spirit. With companies that now allow you to customize a pair of socks with your pet’s face, in fact, if you are giving a boring gift in a generic bag the room full of family and friends will know that you really did not try that hard.
Bag Labels Serve a Number of Important Roles
In addition to serving as a way to celebrate the holidays, bag labels also provide a number of valuable purposes. For instance, even if the largest of grocery stores, the label on a food package can be easy to discern and increase the sales to product loyal fans. Outside of the grocery store, certain shoe boxes, for instance, are recognizable even on the most crowded of sale racks. When you realize that you can capture the attention of a customer from across a crowded space, marketing experts realize the importance of creating a design that will stand the test of time.
Also, bag labels provide important information to consumers. From the ingredients in a packaged food to the warning on an electronic product, box and bag labels provide a fast way to get necessary information to someone who is considering a purchase.
Perhaps more importantly, the latest packaging products and designs can indicate a company’s social awareness. In a time when so many people are concerned about the environment, for instance, a packaging decision can show that it is environmentally friendly. Nearly 26% of respondents indicated that the packaging of a product is extremely important to their overall satisfaction, according to a 2016 West Rock Consumer Insights Study. For consumers who are trying to cut down on their own carbon footprint, for instance, a biodegradable package may be especially appealing.
In the most competitive of times, it is also encouraging to know that according to the 2016 West Rock Consumer Insights Study, 66% of consumers have tried a new product because the packaging caught their eye. What is your company doing to take the biggest advantage of the packaging that you select for the products that you sell?