Model-making is one of the most popular hobbies out there. Not only do people spend countless hours every year making tiny model cars and trains, they also work to make replicas of popular destinations. If you ever wondered what a mini Disneyland would look like, now your imagination can become a reality. From tiny greenery to a small Magic Kingdom, this Disney superfan has made a scale replica of Disneyland.
In this video, we will check out and marvel at this incredible little world.
This man has devoted so many hours to his craft, including a fully-functioning skyway and locomotive train to his creation. Every detail is deeply inspired by Disney, and even the buildings are spot-on to the Disneyland attractions. It takes a variety of talents to make a piece like this, but it also takes mechanical and electrical engineering expertise. The creator often holds open houses for families and their kids to come see the mini Disneyland replica, and plans to keep building at the pace that Disneyland keeps growing. In fact, ehe is currently working on a mini version of the Star Wars section of the world-renown theme park.