It is a common practice for colleges, police academies, hospitals, offices, large clubs and organizations, and other bodies to give award plaques to contributing members of merit. This may include police graduation gift plaques, a gift for retiring law enforcement officers, celebrating 25 years at your company, gifts for retiring pastors, an employee of the month, and more. Such plaques, such as police graduation gift plaques, are presented to the recipient and may be kept, but other plaques are put on display in public rather than kept as a private gift. Plaques may be be sorted into those two broad categories: those kept privately such as police graduation gift plaques, or recognition that goes onto a wall at one’s college of office. Either way, though, plaques may be quite attractive to look at and may be a great source of pride to the recipient. What is there to know about police graduation gift plaques and the like?
Who Gets Plaques
One may first consider: who is receiving these plaques and recognition of achievement and success? A business worker may receive such plaques for certain reasons. A CEO or other high-ranking business professional may eventually retire, and their long and successful career may prompt their employees to show some recognition. An elderly CEO who is retiring may be presented with a plaque during an awards ceremony or even a more intimate and casual setting, and either way, such plaques may be greatly appreciated. Generally, someone who retires from the CEO position may be 63 years old according to statistical averages, and that person may have come a long way to reach that moment. A popular and hard-working CEO is bound to be presented with such a plaque. That plaque may be the sort that is personally kept, or it may be the sort that is put on a public wall in the building for all to see. Many plaque recipients may appreciate that, with their name and deeds being visible for years to come. Often, companies have a dedicated wall or display case where plaques and trophies are displayed for that very reason.
More specialized places of work or training such as a police academy or a hospital may also make use of plaques to recognize hard-working employees or someone who is graduating or retiring. This may include police graduation gift plaques, which may be kept as personal possessions after they are received. There may be an awards ceremony once per year where such gifts are given, and the recipient may face an applauding audience as they receive it. Something similar might be done for the employee of the month or the year, or when someone is retiring after years of distinguished service.
What Plaques May Look Like
Plaques themselves may vary in material, size, and shape, but the general idea is that a plaque is easy to mount on a wall or in a display case and will have a flat surface to present printed information. A “standard” plaque may be a piece of polished wood, typically a fat rectangle, that has a plate of brass screwed onto the front. On that brass plate will be the information, such as the recipient’s name (which is often in large and fancy letters), the date when the plaque was given, and why the plaque was given. An example may be when a distinguished surgeon retires, and their plaque may have a statement along the lines of: “In recognition of Doctor John Smith for Outstanding Medical Service. May 2019.” Such plaques may be assembled and collected on a display wall or in a case, and arranged in order of when they were issued. In this way, a viewer may see a chronological procession of which people earned a certain distinction or title within that workplace. Some plaque collections may date back over decades or even centuries, and a viewer may see how the plaques’ style changed over the years.
“Crystal” plaques are another option. Being made from a small sheet of upright glass, such plaques are set in a base and may have the information printed in white or black letters that are easy to read on the glass. Such plaques may often be considered quite attractive and distinctive.