Celebrities give us a source of entertainment to follow on a daily basis. They allow us to forget about our own lives, and follow the many events of their rich and famous lives. Celebrity news becomes an important filler of our days. They also can act as role models. The black community, for example has […]
3 Great Ways to Discover New Music That You’ll Love
“Music was way better in my day,” said everyone, ever. That’s not the case, actually. Music taste, which is extremely subjective, was great back in the day, is great right now and will surely be great in the future. The only problem with people “back in the day” and, sadly, the majority of people now, […]
Ideas For Corporate Theme Parties
It’s that time of year again — time for the company party or fundraiser. Why not try to spice it up a little bit this year by introducing a party theme Yo and your co-workers can get dressed up and finally have a chance to let loose. There are hundred of options for theme party […]
Are You Looking for a Way to Display Your Handmade Creations?
In many ways, our society is returning to some of the habits of the good old days. Creating home cooked meals from locally grown fresh ingredients, knitting and crocheting handmade items for wedding presents, and teaching children paper crafting techniques like paper doll chains. This return to the days of the past is surprising, but […]
Things to Do on Your Summer Vacation in Paris
Summer’s here and your family are heading to Paris. So are about a million other people, literally. But luxury apartment rentals while visiting Paris will help you beat the crowds and have a peaceful, restful haven to come back to each day. With a luxury apartment, you can avail of concierge services, shop, stroll the […]
How to Kick Butt on Instagram
Technology has drastically changed the photography industry over the last few decades. The most expensive camera — a 1923 Leica camera — ever sold went for more than $2.8 million. Now, because of high-quality cell phone camera, anyone can take professional-quality photos at any moment. There are now more than 41.4 million professional photographers in […]
Delivering Exciting News and Gossip to Millions — How to Start Your Very Own Entertainment News Website
If you take a keen interest in the latest news in the world of entertainment, you might be actually doing more than just fishing out and reading news. You can also help play a part in helping the relevant entertainment news to reach out to more people on the internet. If you are a news […]
Six Benefits to Getting Your Child Involved in Rock Climbing
Our modern age is saturated with technology. Children learn how to operate a smart phone before they even walk or talk. Without even trying, a kid can spend a majority of their waking hours in front of a screen, never seeing the light of day or getting any much-needed physical activity. While there are numerous […]
Why the Best Coachella Events are Actually in Las Vegas
Coachella started as the west coast version of Bonnaroo, a super hip music festival full of indie rock, pop stars, and whatever else organizers hoped the hipster set would be into. But while Bonnaroo offers jam bands for the Appalachian hippie set, Coachella has always catered to the booming Southern California dance music scene. If […]
Is Your Customer Base Hanging Up On You? How Human Voice Narration Could Save the Day
Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of making business phone calls is being placed on hold. While the vast majority of consumers say that they would prefer not to be placed on hold to begin with, they also consistently report that they would prefer to listen to music or a spoken recording than to be placed […]